Events & Sponsorships

Closing the loop in face-to-face channels is essential to any performance marketing plan.

COVID has brought massive change to the events industry, but the fundamentals remain the same. Compelling content, healthy engagement and seamless experiences remain key elements of any events strategy whether they be in-person, virtual or hybrid. Meanwhile, top of the house expectations around lead development, customer relationship management and tying activity to the bottom line are higher than ever. Our team excels at combining all of the above.


Let’s talk

It starts with 30 mins to introduce ourselves and understand your goals.

Elite Event Design & Execution


Our team has deep experience in event strategy, planning and execution. Whether it is black tie events for hundreds, multi-day festivals, unique experiences for high value clientele, we’ve delivered. Let’s talk about how to elevate your field marketing experiences and make events an integrated element of your overall performance marketing narrative.

Virtual Event Technology & Hosting


Migrating to online event technology used to be a smart way to ease the burden on the web team and tie offline activity with the rest of your digital marketing plan. Now? It’s an absolute necessity with a whole new set of challenges. In addition to standing up and adopting a platform that suits your needs, our operational team can work side-by-side with yours to produce compelling virtual events and meetings.

Creative Sponsorship Optimization


You manage sponsorships in all shapes and sizes, from all over the organization, and with a variety of vendors and teams handling execution. Getting everything brand-right and impactful is exhausting enough, and that’s before you tackle the consistency challenge! We’ll help you centralize the activity into a single view, standardize the execution and then maximize the ROI story across all.

Curious about all of the above? Tell us a bit more with our simple survey.